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A global network of South Africa's citizens is set to bring knowledge and skills to the country.
As the economic beacon of Africa, South Africa has proved that it is alive with possibility. Over recent years, the country has seen unprecedented growth and the development of a vibrant and progressive business environment which even the recent global economic slowdown cannot diminish.
Yet, like many other countries in the developing world, South Africa has seen many of its best and brightest emigrate to the West. Global South Africans, a new initiative being spearheaded by the South African International Marketing Council (IMC), while recognising this reality, is set on ensuring that South Africa's "flown talent does not have to be lost talent".
South Africa's Diaspora may be just as valuable for being abroad as it would have been had it stayed at home, says the IMC, a public-private partnership dedicated to increasing global support for South Africa's young democracy and for the continent of which South Africa is a part. The key, however, is realising this value.
The recent launch in London of the Global South Africans initiative demonstrates the commitment of the IMC to tapping into the power of its citizens around the world.
"Once a South African, always a South African," Moeketsi Mosola, Acting CEO of the International Marketing Council, told guests at a dinner to launch the GSA initiative in London organised by IMC's UK country manager John Battersby and hosted by the South African High Commission.
South Africa's "flown talent does not have to be lost talent".
Global South Africans (GSA) is today a growing network of talented and successful South Africans who live abroad but still feel deeply attached to the country and want to contribute to the country's growth and success.
While skilled professionals may be compelled to emigrate for a number of reasons, many retain strong emotional bonds to their countries of origin and, given the opportunity, are keen to contribute to the development of their countries.
The knowledge, connections and goodwill that are abundant in South Africa's Diaspora is what the GSA network is seeking to harness by building a worldwide network of accomplished and well-connected offshore South Africans and their peers who share a strong affinity with South Africa.
The members of the network, says the organisation, are united by a faith in South Africa's future and a desire to share their knowledge, wisdom and networks in support of South Africa's transformation into a prosperous and successful non-racial democracy.
The Global South Africa Network starts from the premise that its members are extremely valuable where they are. Members serve as vital links between South Africa and the global economy where they represent successful men and women of all races and backgrounds who are respected leaders in their fields.
This initiative, says its sponsors, is not about simply building a database of members but about actively engaging members through carefully targeted requests for knowledge ideas from stakeholders in South Africa.
"GSA isn't about passing the tin cup," says the organisation. "It's about knowledge transfer."
The idea is to empower network members to contribute in ways that suit their talents and desired level of engagement.
The network then markets GSA as a resource to South Africans who could benefit from the extraordinary range, knowledge and connections the network represents. GSA is for people whose reward comes from seeing South Africa fulfil its extraordinary promise and enriching their own networks.
The Global South Africans network is not about creating a club of expatriates looking to maximise personal business opportunities, but a group of friends of South Africa who are keen to see the country and, by extension, the continent succeed.
The network is for people whose reward comes from seeing South Africa fulfil its extraordinary promise.
The International Marketing Council of South Africa (IMC) is also marketing the GSA network to government departments, the private sector, academic institutions and NGO's. It is the channel through which requests are routed to members and it helps members make the right connections in South Africa to pursue their own projects and ideas.
The ultimate aim, says the GSA, is to mobilise the greater South Africa in the service of the greatest possible South Africa.
If you are interested in learning more about the Global South Africans project, please visit