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Other news from around the world
IOM announces Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals Project
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has launched a new project entitled ‘Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals’ (TRQN). The project aims to make a contribution to the reconstruction and development of a number of countries in Eastern Europe and Africa, including Sierra Leone and Sudan. Qualified nationals who wish to return to these countries temporarily will have the opportunity to work in areas where local expertise is lacking. IOM will mediate between employers and qualified nationals. The project runs until April 2008 and is supported by the Dutch government.
For further details:
World Bank Opens Young Professionals Program
The World Bank’s Young Professionals Program is now accepting applications for the 2007 selection. The Young Professionals Program is a starting point for an exciting career in the World Bank. The Program is designed to attract outstanding young and motivated individuals from around the world, who have demonstrated a commitment to development, supported by academic success, professional achievement and potential for leadership. The Program recruits through a highly selective and competitive process and then facilitates their rapid integration into the World Bank's business and culture. The closing date for applications is August 31, 2006.
source: Pambazuka News
Harvard Students Launch new Africa Journal
Students at Harvard University’s John F Kennedy School of Government have launched the school’s first public policy journal focused solely on Africa. As one of the world's leading institutions devoted to public policy, the Kennedy School has trained numerous African leaders and policy-makers including Africa's first woman president, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. The journal has been approved by the Kennedy School administration and the Kennedy School Student Government and is affiliated with the Kennedy School Africa Caucus. The Africa Policy Journal aims to provide rigorous analysis and practical solutions to some of Africa’s most pressing policy challenges.
Launch of DFID’s Central Research Department
DFID’s Central Research Department has developed the Research4Development portal (R4D), which promotes new research and provides information about research activities in Rural Livelihoods, Health, Social Sciences, Education and Infrastructure and Urban Development. R4D includes a searchable database containing records of around 6000 projects from around the mid 1990s onwards. It provides project information including data on the organisations and countries involved. The database is searchable by free text, keywords, or on internationally recognised subject categories.
R4D can be found at :
For more details :
UK Announces New Initiative to Attract Overseas Students
A new initiative has been announced by the UK government designed to increase the number of international students at UK further education colleges and universities. International students are worth around £5 billion a year to the UK economy and Britain is keen not to lose out to popular destinations like the US and Australia. The initiative is intended to increase the number of international students by 100,000 by 2010. India and China have been designated as ‘priority’ countries, with just £3 million of the £27 million two-year budget earmarked for UK/Africa partnership initiatives. UK Education Minister Bill Rammell said that some of the £3m budget has been invested with the Association of Commonwealth Universities while some of the funds will also be spent in South Africa on work with universities in ‘under-privileged’ areas.
source: Black
South African Appointed to Board of United Nations Global Compact
Ms. Ntombifuthi Mtoba, Chair of the Board of Deloitte South Africa has been appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan to serve on the Board of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative. The 20-member body is comprised of ten business representatives, four representatives of business associations and labour groups, as well as four representatives of civil society organisations. Launched in 2000, the UN Gobal Compact is the largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative in the world and brings business together with UN agencies, labour, civil society and governments to advance universal principles in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption.