ReConnect Africa is a unique website and online magazine for the African professional in the Diaspora. Packed with
essential information about careers, business and jobs, ReConnect Africa keeps you connected to the best of Africa.
On behalf of my fellow citizens of our great continent, here are some rules – let’s call it our 10 commandments - we would like you to observe in your future dealings with us
Dear Non - Africans,
Forgive me if you honestly believe the following does not apply to you. But if any of the points below do hit home, please take them on board.
The truth is that we Africans are fed up - and for good reason. So, on behalf of my fellow citizens of our great continent, here are some rules we would like you to observe in your future dealings with us.
Be prepared to have adult to adult conversations with us instead of the adult to child approach that so usually dominates your thinking.
If you can observe these rules, there’s a real chance that we can forge a new relationship that benefits all of us - before we give up trying and start learning Mandarin.