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Africa’s future depends on its ability to meet the expectations of its young people, Mo Ibrahim Foundation report underlines.
The Mo Ibrahim Foundation’s 2017 Forum Report Africa at a Tipping Point, a compilation of data and insights, finds the African continent still making progress, but faced with a real risk of falling back. The future will depend, more than anything else, on Africa’s ability to harness the energy and meet the expectations of its young people.
The Mo Ibrahim Foundation was established in 2006 with a focus on the critical importance of leadership and governance in Africa. By providing tools to support progress in leadership and governance, the Foundation aims to promote meaningful change on the continent.
The Foundation, which is a non-grant making organisation, focuses on defining, assessing and enhancing governance and leadership in Africa through four main initiatives:
Established in 2010, the Ibrahim Forum is a high-level discussion forum tackling issues of critical importance to Africa. The Forum convenes prominent African political and business leaders, representatives from civil society, multilateral and regional institutions as well as Africa’s major international partners to identify specific policy challenges and priorities for action.
Previous Forums have dealt with: African Urban Dynamics (2015), Africa in the next 50 years (2013), African Youth (2012), African Agriculture (2011) and African Regional Economic Integration (2010). Data and research on Forum issues are compiled by the Foundation as the basis for informed and constructive debate.
Today, 60% of the continent population is already under 25 years of age. By 2050, Africa will be home to 452 million people under the age of 25…this demographic dividend is at risk of being squandered.
Among the key opportunities and threats identified by the report:
Mo Ibrahim, Chair of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, says: “The energy and ambition of Africa’s young people is our greatest resource and best hope for strengthening our continent’s progress. But their expectations could turn into frustration and anger unless they find a job and get a chance to influence their own future. Africa stands at a tipping point. The decisions taken now will decide whether our continent continues to rise or falls back. More than ever, wise leadership and sound governance are key.”
Read the full report:
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