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Many years ago, I read a book entitled Go Well, Stay Well.
While today I remember only parts of the story by Toeckey Jones (well, I did say it was a long time ago), I have never forgotten the title. In later years, as my work took me to other parts of Africa, I heard this Zulu expression many times and it always struck me as so much more than a greeting.
When I hear ‘Go well, stay well’ it feels like someone genuinely cares about me, not just in that moment, but for how things may develop. It feels like someone is sending me off with a keen eye on what happens to me after we’ve parted. It feels like both an admonition to look out for trouble and reassurance that any such trouble will be dealt with.
In Times of Trouble
We are living in challenging and troubled times. A hitherto unknown disease is ravaging every part of our world and none of us is safe or exempt from its trajectory.
We would be foolish not to be alarmed given what we’ve seen so far and the predictions and projections for what is yet to come. We have witnessed some of the worst sides of people as this crisis has unfolded, and it’s all too easy to imagine our baser instincts becoming further unleashed as this pandemic grows.
And yet…and yet. We have also seen examples of the best of humanity. People reaching out to each other and to the vulnerable. Health care professionals putting their lives on the line to help those of us who can no longer help ourselves.
While we must distanceourselves from each other physically and socially, let’s not distance ourselves from our humanity.For the truth is that only by recognising our common purpose as fellow citizens and coming together can we conquer our common enemy.While we must remain distance ourselves from each other physically and socially, let’s not distance ourselves from our humanity
Virtual Virtue
For those who have access to the Internet, reaching out to people by Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, and so on, offers a means to look out for each other. Necessity is the mother of invention and whether it’s the chance to share lessons, learning, long chats or good cheer, let’s endeavour to bring some positivity to this situation.
How we behave during this period will become the foundation of how we emerge from the pandemic. How we treat people and consider the needs of others will impact not just the present moment, but also the times ahead.
Ubuntu – Now More than Ever
Staying with the Zulu people, the need for us to practice the concept of ubuntu–the philosophy that places emphasis on being self through others and often expressed as 'I am because of who we all are' – is perhaps greater than it has ever been.
Individuals, communities, countries, continents; we all depend on each other for our existence. No woman or man is an island, and in these traumatic and chaotic times let’s look to unite and uplift, to support and sustain each other. For when this crisis passes, as it shall, we will need each other more than ever.
In the meantime, dear readers and friends, go well and stay well.
Managing Editor of ReConnect Africa and author of the novels ‘Imperfect Arrangements’ ‘From Pasta to Pigfoot’ ‘From Pasta to Pigfoot’ and ‘From Pasta to Pigfoot: Second Helpings’ and the books I Want to Work in… Africa: How to Move Your Career to the World’s Most Exciting Continent’ and ‘Everyday Heroes – Learning from the Careers of Successful Black Professionals’